About Greener Landscapes Inc

We are Greener Landscapes Inc (GRELASCA), a (501. c) Non-governmental Organization based and registered in The United States, whose objective is to work with other like-minded people, organizations, communities, and corporations in promoting environmental and climate concerns and causes in Sub-Saharan Africa through educating, motivating, and incentivizing individuals and communities to engage in reforestation, wetland reclamation, and afforestation. Greener Landscapes Inc can play an important role in protecting land and promoting sustainable development.

Greener Landscapes Inc
Greener Landscapes Inc

Our Vision

The Vision of Greener Landscapes Inc is earth’s landscapes, communities and home resources are managed sustainably. This is the longer-term desired situation for Greener Landscapes Inc organization to see that the forests and wetlands are conserved for different purposes.

Greener Landscapes Inc Mission

Through education, motivation, and incentivization for reforestation, afforestation, and wetland reclamation, we, and our partners, seek to slow the effects of deforestation and wetland abuse or misuse on weather patterns,  their stability, and ultimately on climate.

Our mission promotes the development of the forests, swamps, and different individuals. And stimulation of all economic development in swamps by engaging communities in commercial fish farming. This helps to respond appropriately to changes and financial challenges within the communities.

Tree Planting for Food

Core Business

  1. To influence different communities, adapt to forest and swamp conservation in promotion of sustainable environment.
  2. To improve the knowledge and adoption of re-afforestation practices at national, community and individual level.
  3. To strengthen the capacity of Greener Landscapes Inc and its members to efficiently contribute to responsible management of swamps and forest resources.
  4. To strengthen communities and individuals adopt commercial fish farming, and afforestation other than clearing for sugar cane growing.

The Objectives of Greener Landscapes Inc

  1. To create and maintain community and individual understanding of the value and vital role swamps and forest play in our daily lives.
  2. Promote forestry and swamps improving agriculture productivity, provision of employment, contribution towards poverty alleviation and food security.
  3. To serve as an advocacy terminal for wetlands and forests issues and networking with other professional and personate organizations.
  4. Promote effective management of wetlands and forests, effective commercial production in fish farming, and responsible utilization of Earth’s wetlands and forests.
  5. To create a form for exchange of ideas among different communities and individuals and other interested parties in the country.
  6. To establish and maintain contact between members and other stakeholders and establish a resource center for public innovative information.
  7. To cooperate with different communities and non-government agencies in formulations and implementation of forest and swamp conservation policies and programs.

Some of Greener Landscapes Inc Unique Practices Include:

  • Strengthening the forest and wetland profession in Earth communities.
  • Community based natural resources management.
  • Responsible land use (agroforestry, and commercial agriculture)
  • Multi community approach on keeping greener homes and societies.


Greener Landscapes Inc’s goal is to strengthen the coordination among different communities, and individuals involved in land use for responsible forests and swamp resources management.

We desire to become a source of financial and technical staff and advice to a variety of communities and individuals and the international level.

Therefore, our contribution toward responsible forests and swampy areas management will be demand-driven and also in response to the issues at hand.

Fish Farming in Africa